Worth noting that it is money bills certified as such by the Speaker that can be delayed only for one month. A number of Finance Bills have contained clauses that have precluded such certification. While I know of no case of the Lords obstructing a Finance Bill which was not certified the government would have to be careful in drafting any Bill that say repealed IHT.
They will hope to get the ‘Rwanda is a safe country’ legislation through, and get a minimum of one plane on its way to Kigali, but as you say, time is very tight and the Lords will say it wasn’t a manifesto commitment
I hope, David, you will forgive a small piece of pedantry. The government could not force through a bill to extend the life of a parliament without the consent of the Lords regardless of how long the parliament would otherwise have to run. That is the only type of bill which is expressly excluded from the operation of the Parliament Act. So the government has not “run out of time” to force an extension through because it never could. Regards, Harry.
I know: but the Parliament Acts could themselves be amended on that point. Or there could be an attempt at a notwithstanding clause. I had hoped my wording covered these other remote possibilities. I am sorry this was not clearer!
Good & useful article. Thanks. remember reading another article, some years ago, identifying the dates that the then government could actually have as an election day. Given other commitments, it was remarkably few.
That pundit was, I believe, Isabel Hardman in The Guardian yesterday.
It was from about three months ago, so your belief is sadly in error.
The closing sentence will surely rank as one of the most satisfying reads of 2024.
Worth noting that it is money bills certified as such by the Speaker that can be delayed only for one month. A number of Finance Bills have contained clauses that have precluded such certification. While I know of no case of the Lords obstructing a Finance Bill which was not certified the government would have to be careful in drafting any Bill that say repealed IHT.
They will hope to get the ‘Rwanda is a safe country’ legislation through, and get a minimum of one plane on its way to Kigali, but as you say, time is very tight and the Lords will say it wasn’t a manifesto commitment
I hope, David, you will forgive a small piece of pedantry. The government could not force through a bill to extend the life of a parliament without the consent of the Lords regardless of how long the parliament would otherwise have to run. That is the only type of bill which is expressly excluded from the operation of the Parliament Act. So the government has not “run out of time” to force an extension through because it never could. Regards, Harry.
I know: but the Parliament Acts could themselves be amended on that point. Or there could be an attempt at a notwithstanding clause. I had hoped my wording covered these other remote possibilities. I am sorry this was not clearer!
Good & useful article. Thanks. remember reading another article, some years ago, identifying the dates that the then government could actually have as an election day. Given other commitments, it was remarkably few.