“How this could be a “finely-balanced decision” perhaps would astonish any sensible person.”

Are you suggesting that the Court of Appeal judges are not sensible people?

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It is pure tribalism - judges sticking together as far as they can get away with because one day they might need their own back scratched. All professions, vocations, or teams of any kind behave in this way. It is human nature.

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Haven't we seen for years how difficult it is to get a conviction reversed - e.g. Birmingham Six, Stefan Kiszko and many others?

I recall the Ruth Ellis case. Years after her execution the case was referred to the Appeal Court which was scathing about its time being wasted. The case was referred by the Criminal Cases Review Commission - a body set up by Parliament with a view to rectifying miscarriages. My guess is that this will have led to making it more difficult than ever to even get a case referred.

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