A procedural question: Will the hearing on this case be a mixture of written and oral submissions? If it is, do you know how many pages and how long for oral submissions? I remember being surprised at just how limited both were when the matter at issue was a Hague Convention child abduction appeal.
It is extraordinary to think that any government, with any degree of understanding of those 25 years, would not wait as long again to attempt to undo so much good work and good will that was required to begin move on from it.
There’s a generation of young adults who only know peace - when I was growing up the whole thing looked intractable - to open the door to a blood-soaked past would be beyond irresponsible.
The thought that the insane wing of the government would even consider this constitutional vandalism is enraging, although sadly what we have grown used to. Nothing more than a collection of Daily ’Hate’ headlines to virtue signal their virility! What a sorry state we find ourselves trapped in
A procedural question: Will the hearing on this case be a mixture of written and oral submissions? If it is, do you know how many pages and how long for oral submissions? I remember being surprised at just how limited both were when the matter at issue was a Hague Convention child abduction appeal.
It is extraordinary to think that any government, with any degree of understanding of those 25 years, would not wait as long again to attempt to undo so much good work and good will that was required to begin move on from it.
There’s a generation of young adults who only know peace - when I was growing up the whole thing looked intractable - to open the door to a blood-soaked past would be beyond irresponsible.
The thought that the insane wing of the government would even consider this constitutional vandalism is enraging, although sadly what we have grown used to. Nothing more than a collection of Daily ’Hate’ headlines to virtue signal their virility! What a sorry state we find ourselves trapped in