The courts have already deflated the Rwanda policy, regardless of the Supreme Court judgment next Wednesday
Even if the United Kingdom government wins on the lawfulness of the policy, it has already lost in respect of procedure
Those interested in day-to-day politics in the United Kingdom are now looking to next Wednesday for the Supreme Court decision to be handed down on the lawfulness of the Rwanda policy.
The conventional wisdom is that if the current Home Secretary is still in post on Wednesday, a Supreme Court defeat for the government may be the basis for the Home Secretary to resign and campaign for the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Convention on Human Rights, or something.
Nobody outside the court will know the result in advance and so the hand-down will be a moment of drama and excitement.
On balance, any legal challenge to “policy” - that is an approach to general political problems - is likely to fail.
For an entire policy to be quashed it would require that each and every possible application of the policy in any concrete situation must be unlawful - that there is nothing that can be done to save a decision in a particular case.
Courts are reluctant to do this - not least because policy is usually the province of politicians, and judges will not want to trespass.
And the current Supreme Court under Lord Reed often seems cautious in dealing with “policy” challenges.
There perhaps are reasons why this particular policy may be unlawful in the round - and if it was not arguable that the policy was itself unlawful the Supreme Court would not have heard the case - but it would not be shocking if the Supreme Court sides with the government and holds that some applications of the policy may be lawful, subject to certain conditions.
And here is the nub of the situation, which many in politics and the media seem to be overlooking: the courts have already held that there are strict and onerous conditions in particular cases.
These conditions are so strict and so onerous, it may well be that few if any asylum seekers will be relocated to Rwanda, even if the Supreme Court rules that the general policy is legal.
Followers of this blog may recall posts about this at the time of the initial High Court decision and the Court of Appeal decision:
As this blog has before averred, the government can both win and lose a legal case at the same time.
And even if the government wins on whether the policy is lawful, the procedural protections already insisted upon by the courts in the application of the Rwanda policy will present difficulties for a Home Secretary after next Wednesday.
Whoever that is.